Michelle Martinez Co
Welcome to my creative inner world! A portfolio of fun ideas and personal projects.
Treat or Treat
Muni Reality
Pizza Party with my Roomie
Love is more of Incidents

My father has written quotes all his life, which stemmed from random musings and his love of putting them succinctly into words.
‘WilQuote’ represents his life’s work, the summation of the many quotes and poetry he has made throughout his lifetime.
I belive in my father’s writing, so here I am collating and spreading the word.
Bunster and Hariet
A webcomic about the inner workings of a teenage girl’s brain, interpreted in the form of two adorable bunnies!
Discover a whole new set of misadventures while our heroine navaigates her way through the real world— all the while continuing to live inside her own head.

Mindfully Lazy
It’s not procrastination if it’s on the schedule.
Romantic quotes and poetry for your reading pleasure.
Go on, heave a read.

My quest to be a Digital Nomad.
Here you will find me learning about the ins and outs of the internet and everything digital – From SEO to Website Development to Animation.
Gotta start the journey somewhere.
Into Do List
Check out the media I’m into, from Audiobooks to movies! You won’t get bored with this list!

Mind Traverse
My attempts at being more mindful and having a balanced life.
London, United Kingdom